Types of Engagement

The list below provides information about different types of engagement that ICH teams may choose to use as they plan, carry out, evaluate and monitor their initiatives. Remember, different people and groups respond to different engagement strategies, so it is useful to use multiple forms of engagement.

Community gatherings: Bring people together for relationship building, land-based activities, feasting, a cultural activity, traditional food harvesting or celebration. Host your community to create an opportunity for knowledge sharing.

Social media, newsletters and posters: Written and visual communication are a great way to reach community, especially those who may be shy or busy. By sharing information and opportunities through social media, newsletters and posters, community members can reach out to you as individuals.

Kitchen table talks: Personal communication over tea, coffee or meals is a culturally relevant way to share stories and knowledge that can inform how to care for ICH. This is a great way to engage with community members with young families, Elders and Knowledge Keepers.

One-on-one interviews: Consider meeting with individuals who have specialized knowledge or expertise individually and interviewing them to gather feedback. For example, interview staff who do heritage-related work.

Workshops: Social gatherings that bring people together in a fun way to teach them about cultural heritage are a valuable way to bring people in. There’s less pressure and communities can get creative.

Roundtables: Roundtables are circles where every participant has a chance to share their stories and perspectives. These are good for ensuring all participants have a turn to discuss cultural heritage priorities that are important to them.

Community events: Engage through existing community events – such as visiting an Elders’ lunch or youth event – to get input from community members.

Surveys or questionnaires: Surveys can clearly identify the information needed from the community and offer an easy and accessible way to share it. This method may be most useful when paired with relationship-building strategies such as workshops and community gatherings. Before or after an event is done, community members can share additional thoughts through a survey. This provides an opportunity for everyone to have their voice heard.