Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Example

You can use the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Example that follows to complete your own monitoring and evaluation plan.

GoalsIndicatorsWhat tools will we use to measure success?Who will measure it?When will we measure it?What do we hope to achieve, over what period of time?
Young adults, including young parents, are learning about their ICHLevel of in enrollment in ICH programs for youthEnrollment recordsProgram coordinator– Every six monthsIn the first year we will enroll 25 people in ICH programs. Each year we will increase enrollment by 10%.
The public supports and respects our ICH– Number of violations of ICH
– Number of individuals attending our public education workshops
– Inventory of ICH violations
– Enrollment in public education courses    
– Permit manager (# of violations)  
– Program coordinator (enrollment)
– Every six monthsViolations to ICH will decrease by 10% annually.   In the first year, we will enroll 25 people in public education workshops. Each year we will increase enrollment by 10%.